WWE Releases Maria

WWE announced on their official website they have released Maria. This is the latest release as the company announced earlier today they have released Shane Helms and Paul Burchill. 

Former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis posted the following on Twitter moments ago regarding her release from the company:

Alright guys let's talk. I did not ask for my release. I was released. I am still going to kick ass in other areas!! I am excited about the future! But I am sad about never getting the Championship. I am sad about not getting the chance to go to Wrestlemania again. Passion is my Motivation! Time to Sing! Time to work for Charity! Time to Dance! Time to be Alive again! Much love to my FANS, my FAMILY, the DIVAS, and my FRIENDS! There is a bright new future when one door closes another opens! Bring on the Doors! Spanks and Kisses

 Oricum nu mai urmaream WWE de mai bine de un an. Showurile au devenit din ce in ce mai slabe, mai previzibile. Umaga s-a dus, McMahon sau cine o fi la putere isi da afara vedetele rand pe rand. Maria n-o sa moara de foame, in curand va debuta in muzica, probabil fara mare succes totusi, participa si la Celebrity Apprentice, etc. Inca un motiv sa nu mai urmaresc WWE, nu ca altfel as mai fi facut-o.

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