John Terry VS Wayne Bridge

Wayne Bridge a refuzat sa dea mana cu John Terry in timpul traditionalului Hand Shake. Terry i-a intins mana lui Bridge, insa acesta nici nu l-a privit in ochi pe cel care a avut o aventura cu mama copilului sau.
Fanii de pe Stamford Bridge si-au aratat devotamentul fata de capitanul lor si au afisat bannere prin care sustineau ca fac parte din echipa lui Terry. Mai mult, pe toata durata partidei, fanii l-au huiduit cu sete pe Wayne Bridge, care a jucat si el la Chelsea inainte sa se transfere la City.Cred ca Bridge a procedat bine deoarece Terry a facut un gest oribil , dupa parerea mea nu faci asa ceva unui prieten cum pretindea ca ii este.Cei doi se cunosteau de foarte mult timp , au jucat impreuna la Chelsea. :D

[Wayne Bridge refused to shake hand with John Terry during the traditional "Hand Shake". Terry layed his hand to Bridge, but he didn't look at him , the one who had an adventure with the mother of his child. The Stamford Bridge fans showed their devotion to their captain and they displayed banners to support Terry. Moreover, the entire duration of the game, fans booed to Wayne Bridge, who played to Chelsea before transfer to City.I think Bridge take the right decision. ]

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