Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (review) 

Publisher: EA Games
Developer: EA DICE

  Battlefield: Bad Company 2 brings the award-winning Battlefield gameplay to
the forefront of PC gaming with best-in-class vehicular combat and unexpected
"Battlefield moments." New vehicles like the ATV and a transport helicopter
allow for all-new multiplayer tactics on the Battlefield. With the
Frostbite-enabled Destruction 2.0 system, you can take down entire buildings
and create your own fire points by blasting holes through cover. You can also
compete in four-player teams in two squad-only game modes, fighting together
to unlock exclusive awards and achievements. Battles are set across expansive
maps, each with a different tactical focus. The game also sees the return of
the B Company squad in a more mature single-player campaign.

Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Core 2 DUO @ 2 GHz
Memory: 2 GB
Hard Drive: 15 GB for Digital Version, 10 GB for Disc Version
Video Memory: 256 MB (NVIDIA GeForce 7800GT/ATI X1900)
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
Keyboard and Mouse
DVD Rom Drive

Recommended System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista/7
Processor: Any Quadcore Processor
Memory: 2 GB
Hard Drive: 15 GB for Digital Version, 10 GB for Disc Version
Video Memory: 512 MB (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260)
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 10
Keyboard and Mouse
DVD Rom Drive

Am avut ocazia sa-l joc inainte de lansarea oficiala. Campania singleplayer dureaza cam 8 ore. Sunetul e de nota 10, cred ca cel mai bun pe care l-am intalnit pana acum intr-un shooter. Grafic, mi se pare peste MW2. Mai ales la vegetatie aduce cu Crysis (poate mi se pare). Ceva buguri, dar nimic major. Seria CoD e greu de depasit la story, insa a fost ok si story-ul. Finalul lasa de inteles ca va urma BC3, cel putin asta am inteles eu. Controlul vechiculelor e foarte bun, armele se simt extraordinar (am remarcat in special AI-ul nu e stralucit, dar nici slab.Daca ar fi sa aleg un joc dintre MW2 si BC2, asa inclina spre BC2, multiplayerul e mai divers, ceea ce reprezinta un plus pe termen lung. Notele mele:

Gameplay: 10
Story: 8.5
Grafica: 10
Sunet: 10+
Atmosfera/feeling: 10
Optimizare: 8.5 (avand in vedere exploziile si distrugerile, nu are cerinte exagerate, au rezolvat probleme din beta).
Total (nu este medie): 9.5

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